Friday, September 11, 2009

I hate Fridays (in the office)

This is my first Friday at the office since August 15th. I was on vacation for a week, then my I broke my nose and had to stay home from work so I wouldn't scare my co-workers with my battered face, then I left early for Labor Day vacation, and now here I am. And it sucks. Big time.

I have to admit, I woke up slightly hungover this morning (though, my hangovers don't usually last longer than 15 minutes - if I even get one). My coworker and I had a little too much to drink last night, and I woke up at 7:30am when my roommate started grinding her coffee beans and the kettle whistle went off (which, by the way, sounds like a siren). Nothing to do but shower off the alcohol that was seeping from my pores.

My day started off pretty well when I had to do an hour long errand to one of our theatres and our electrician bought me a bottle of Perrier. And I did manage to take a nice lunch break to catch up with one of my co-workers over some $9 sandwiches. But since then, nothing. I'm sure I could find plenty of things to do if I really tried, but talking to my friends on gchat and playing lexulous moves on Facebook interspersed with stalking random acquaintances is so much more entertaining!

And then my friend shows me this. Not only did this give me a good laugh, but I find it completely true. It also took me a few minutes to go through, which in itself is a distraction. Writing this blog is also a distraction. In fact, everything I have done today has been a distraction so that I didn't have to get any actual work done. Who's idea was it to have work on Fridays anyway? Four day weeks would be so much more productive, because Friday just negates all the productivity that I accomplished every other week day.

Back to "work"... (i.e. Facebook).

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