Friday, June 5, 2009


Most Gemini creatures are pretty extreme in their astrological qualities. And if you don't fall in line with the zodiac sign, then I feel sorry for you. What makes the Gemini sign so cool is that it's the sign of the Twin, which means we have an astrological excuse to switch into bitch-mode whenever we want to.

I'm a super Gemini. So much so, that I tattooed this symbol on my the back of my left shoulder right around my 21st Birthday when I was studying in Brighton, England. Just to name a few positive qualities; popularity, wit, sharp humor, great thinkers, playfulness, determination, sincerity. Gemini's also pick up on other people's qualities very easily, and can quickly wrap our head around an idea that others may find perplexing.

However, with these excellent attributes come several pitfalls. We're easily distracted, and can get bored quickly with an idea after it is no longer new. We are also competitive with the same sex, and can be manipulative when it comes to maneuvering relationships with the opposite sex. But really, who doesn't play games?

With my birthday coming up next week, I find that this is my peak Gemini time. All of my qualities come through in even stronger ways than usual, and all the signs are aligned for good things to happen.

If you're a fellow Gemini, than you know what I'm talking about. And if you're of a different zodiac sign, than you're probably just insanely jealous right now. Did I mention that Gemini's also have a problem with being modest? ;-)

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