Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Visit my Grandparents

10. They live in San Diego, where it is sunny all year long and you can get a fully loaded fish taco for $2.

9. They paid for my flight and reimbursed me for transportation from the airport because they didn't want to drive during rush hour to pick me up. (Thank God, because my grandfather's driving scares the crap out of me.)

8. They cook really good food, most of which is grown from their own garden, and they have fresh squeezed orange juice available at all hours of the day.

7. They just bought a new TV with digital cable, and I didn't even need to teach them how to use the remote.

6. When the San Diego Padres beat the San Francisco Giants two nights in a row, my grandfather stuck his tongue out at me and called the Giants a bunch of dummies.

5. They hate being some of the few democrats in San Diego, and when Prop 8 was passed they were ashamed to be living in one of the most conservative cities in California.

4. They insist they are the only Jews in San Diego, and when they couldn't find matzo bread at the local grocery store they ordered some on the internet (yes, they are avid users of the world wide web).

3. They want to buy snuggies because their favorite Sunday funnies character, "Pickles" has one. And they're going to buy me one too!

2. My grandfather asked when he was going to get a great grandkid. My grandmother wanted to make sure I was on the pill.

1. According to my grandma, "they love me -- even with tattoos!!!" And I love them too!

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